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Enrollment in Williamson County

Welcome to Williamson County Schools! To enroll your child in one of our schools, view the Enrollment Documents that best suit your family's needs. If you are new to Williamson County, please request a Skyward Account in order to enroll your student. If you currently have a Skyward account, please log in and follow the prompts for enrolling a new student. Discover your child’s zoned school.

Kindergarten Registration

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! Families who already have a current WCS student will be able to register their child by logging into their Skyward account and selecting the WCS New Student Enrollment link. Families who do not currently have a WCS student need to request a Skyward account.

Additional Requirements to Enroll a Child

The primary residential parent or legal guardian (see Custody Guidelines ) must register the student at the school location. All forms indicated in the Enrollment Checklist that best fits your family are required at the time of enrollment. High School registration requires an appointment with the school’s counseling department in order to schedule your child’s classes. Additional items required are as follows:
  • Copy of certified birth certificate
  • School records or address to request transcripts
  • Immunization or valid exemption and physical exam requirements

If transferring from another Tennessee public school, a copy of the Tennessee School Immunization Certificate or valid exemption must be presented to the school at the time of enrollment.  It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to obtain a current Tennessee School Immunization Certificate.

If transferring from an out-of-state school, private, or parochial school, an original Tennessee School Immunization Certificate form or valid exemption is required at the time of registration. This immunization certificate may be obtained from a private physician or any medical facility, such as the Williamson County Health Department. The Health Department is located at 1324 West Main Street in Franklin and is next door to the Williamson County Administrative Complex where the Williamson County School Board office is located. Their office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and their phone number is 615-794-1542.

Custody Guidelines

Custody or court-ordered parenting plan documents must be provided at the time of registration in cases of legal custodial, shared parenting, or guardianship placements.

A student cannot attend school without the enrolling party providing a Parenting Plan or proof of guardianship. The legal residence of a student is defined as the domicile of the student’s primary residential parent.

Students are enrolled based on the primary residential parent’s address.

  • Full Custody: Copy of legal custody papers or Parenting Plan.
  • Guardianship or Temporary Custody: Copy of legal custody papers or Parenting Plan.
  • Joint Custody: Copy of legal custody papers including a copy of the Parenting Plan that has been signed by a judge and notarized.
  • Parents Married Not Living Together but no Legal Separation: School is determined by where the child resides overnight. Parent must reside in Williamson County.
  • Parents Not Married and Not Living Together: A certified copy of birth certificate showing legality of parent and parent’s photo ID is required for enrollment. Mother is the default custodian if there are no court documents stating otherwise. 
  • Whereabouts of One Parent Unknown: A certified copy of birth certificate showing legality of parent and parent’s photo ID is required for enrollment.