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Our Strategic Planning Process

In December 2022 Williamson County Schools launched the planning process to develop its next five-year strategic plan. The district formed a small planning committee consisting of district leaders and a board member representative. The planning committee ultimately selected Lipscomb University to provide facilitation support throughout the planning process. Between January and March 2023, 18 feedback and input sessions were held with a variety of stakeholder groups to gather feedback on the priorities of the new strategic plan. A Strategic Plan Steering Committee, composed of individuals representing a range of stakeholder groups, was formed to analyze the community feedback, create a draft of the strategic plan, and advise the leadership on the plan priorities. The 2023-2028 Strategic Plan was adopted by the School Board on June 19, 2023.

Our Strategic Commitments

Our strategic commitments are the backbone of our strategic plan. These commitments guide and shape how the district will invest its time, expertise, and financial resources to be successful at reaching our goals.

Our Vision
WCS will provide a supportive environment where students are challenged to pursue excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts.

Our Mission
We exist to provide all students with a quality education that supports their intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development.

Our Strategic Commitments 
Preparing Students for Life After WCS
Team Quality
Learning Environment