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Special Education

In keeping with the mandate from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Williamson County Schools (WCS) Special Education aims to provide the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for all students. A continuum of services is available for each student based on the Individual Education Plan (IEP) team decision on the placement of those services. The focus is on giving each student the help he or she needs to learn.

Williamson County Schools believes:

  • All individuals are important and valued
  • All individuals have unique needs and abilities
  • All individuals can learn and succeed
  • All situations are unique
  • All individuals deserve a safe education environment

All individuals develop to their fullest potential when educators, parents, students and the community work together and provide a seamless learning environment.

Disabilities Eligible for Service in Tennessee

Specific criteria for special education eligibility is provided by IDEA and the Tennessee Department of Special Education. Visit the Tennessee Department of Education’s Special Education website for more information.

CDC Milestones for ages two (2) months to five (5) years of age: If you have concerns regarding your child's development, please contact the WCS Child Find department at 615-472-4130.

Student Support Services Contact
Maria Griego, Executive Director
(615) 472-4130

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