Health Services
The school nurse is a uniquely qualified individual that bridges the gap between healthcare and education. If students have medical needs that require accommodations to participate in a school setting, the school nurse will collaborate with the parent or guardian, healthcare provider, and school personnel to develop individual health plans to meet the students’ health needs during the school day. This includes but is not limited to, nursing procedures, medication management and emergency care planning. Nurses prioritize their day based on types of medical issues that students have within the individual schools.
The school nurse is an advocate for quality care, which leads to better academic achievements for our students. In Williamson County Schools, school nurses are assigned to specific schools and oversee the school health clinics to ensure student health needs are met and the spread of communicable disease is minimized. School nurses play a vital role during pandemics and work closely with public health to ensure the decreased spread of infectious diseases and keep kids safe. If your child is sent to the clinic for evaluation, the school nurse will complete an assessment and determine if the student is safe to return to class or needs to be sent home according to our illness guidelines and/or communicable disease policy.
The skills, abilities and knowledge of the school nurse promote the health and wellbeing of students and staff through evidence-based practice. Each of our nurses in Williamson County Schools come with a unique professional background including Nurse Practitioners, Master of Science in Nursing, Bachelor's of Science in in Nursing, Associates Degree in Nursing, and Licensed Practical Nursing. 14 of our nurses are National Board-Certified School Nurses which accounts for 25% of the total state certifications in Tennessee.
Health at School
Immunization Information
Health Forms
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan Form: To be completed for any medications related to severe allergies/anaphylaxis.
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan - Spanish
- Asthma Action Plan: To be completed if your child has been diagnosed with asthma.
- Plan de acción para la escuela en caso de asma
- Medication Authorization Form: To be completed if your child will require medication that must be given during the school day.
- Formulario de autorización para medicamentos
- Procedure Authorization Form: To be completed if your child has medical procedures requiring nurse assistance during the school day.
- Formulario de autorización para procedimientos
- Seizure Action Plan: To be completed if your child has been diagnosed with seizures.
- Plan de acción para la escuela en caso de convulsiones
- Adrenal Crisis Action Plan: To be completed if your child has been diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency.
- Plan de acción por Crisis Adrenal
Meningococcal and Influenza Diseases Information
Tennessee code 49-6-5005 requires schools to notify families about meningococcal and influenza diseases and the effectiveness of vaccination at the beginning of every school year. You can find information about these topics and many more health related topics on the State of Tennessee Department of Health website.
Please contact your healthcare provider or the Williamson County Health Department for additional information. There is no Williamson County Schools requirement for these vaccinations.