When Absence is Necessary
Are you in need of a leave of absence? Do you wonder if you are Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) eligible? What is considered FMLA ineligible? Below you will find all Williamson County Schools (WCS) information pertaining to taking a leave of absence.
Employees who have worked for the employer for at least 12 months and have worked a total of 1,250 hours within the 12 month period are FMLA eligible.
Example: Full-time employee was hired August 2, 2017 and has worked all year. Employee requests a leave of absence with an effective start date of August 3, 2018. The employee is FMLA eligible because the employee worked the full year.
If you are FMLA Ineligible, you will need to fill out the FMLA Ineligible packet that is specific to your leave.
If you are unsure if you are FMLA Eligible, or if have any additional leave questions, please contact our HR Leaves Coordinator or (615) 472-4051.
Maximum FMLA time off is 16 weeks or 80 working days for maternity/adoption leave. Days are compiled by 12 weeks of FMLA (60 workings days) and 4 weeks of Tennessee Maternity Leave Act (20 working days).
- Adoption Leave Packet
- FMLA Eligible Maternity Packet
- FMLA Eligible Paternity Packet
- FMLA Ineligible Maternity Packet
- FMLA Ineligible Paternity Packet
- Maternity & Paternity Guide
Sick Leave
Employees needing to take a leave of absence will need to complete and return sick leave paperwork to Human Resources at least 30 days before the expected leave date. The maximum FMLA time off is twelve weeks or sixty working days. The maximum amount of leave time allowed cannot exceed 180 unpaid days. For more information and steps needed to apply for a leave of absence, view and download the appropriate packets below.
- Classified FMLA Eligible Sick Packet
- Classified FMLA Ineligible Sick Packet
- Educator FMLA Eligible Sick Packet
- Educator FMLA Ineligible Sick Packet
- Bus Driver FMLA Eligible Sick Packet
- Bus Driver FMLA Ineligible Sick Packet
Family Leave
Qualifying family members are spouse, parent, or children under the age of 18. If your child is 18 or older but incapable of self-care, you may take family leave.
Military Leave
To qualify, the employee must be on covered active duty, under a call to covered active duty status, or have been notified of an impending call of order to covered active duty.
Student Teaching
Leave All student teaching education leaves are FMLA ineligible and unpaid. The maximum amount of time for an education leave is one semester. A request for an extended educational leave must be made to the Superintendent of schools.