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Students Preparing for the Future through CCTE

Williamson County Schools (WCS) is committed to offering students a variety of educational options to complement the core curriculum. With nearly 40 different programs of study, our comprehensive College, Career and Technical Education (CCTE) program encourages students to take advantage of and explore their individual strengths and how those may align with a rewarding career.

Students may enroll in one or two CCTE courses each year while taking the most rigorous academic course load they can manage. This provides high school students a look into the career world and make informed decisions about post-secondary programs and the credentials needed for the jobs they desire.

CCTE courses combine a classroom experience with the relevancy of real world application. Classes consist of cutting edge equipment, internships, guest speakers, and business practicums, many of which are available to earn a college credit. The CCTE Programs of Study displays the 16 career clusters offered with specific programs, the sequence of courses, and which schools offer each program.

Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class
Renaissance High students in class

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Business Partnership Opportunities

WCS is excited to assist students in finding opportunities with our community partners. Our unique education initiative with Williamson, Inc. allows us to strengthen partnerships between businesses in Williamson County and WCS. Businesses can get involved and invest in the youth of Williamson County in many ways such as:

  • Speakers Bureau
  • Student Internships
  • Teacher Externships
  • Job Shadowing
  • WCS & Franklin Special School District Career Day

Worked Based Learning

Required Documents: 

  1. Application
  2. PLP Application Pages
    These documents are required for all WBL students. (For Health Science students the documents may be completed after a student is accepted into a Nursing Education or Clinical Internship). 

Teacher WBL Recommendation Form

Supplemental Information: 

Work Based Learning information for Parents, Teachers & Employers
Work Based Learning information for Students

CCTE Daycare

The ETC labs serve to offer hands-on experience for students enrolled in Education and Training Career courses, provide quality childcare and parenting skills for teen parents continuing their high school education, and, lastly, provide teachers and staff of WCS the opportunity for on-site, high-quality childcare. The program serves teen parents first, then the faculty and staff of the district and then community members if space is available. Each lab is fully certified by the TN State Department of Education.

The ETC Labs will offer developmentally appropriate activities for the children enrolled that target the development of social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. The curriculum includes art, crafts, music, interactive games, and appropriate learning activities. The curriculum directly aligns with the TN-ELDS (Tennessee Early Learning Developmental Standards) and with the State and WCS Pre-K standards.

Classroom ages:

  • Infant (6 weeks - 12 months)
  • One-year-old (12 months - 24 months)
  • Combined Two- and Three Year old (24 months - 36 months)
  • Combined Three- and Four-Year old (36 months - 5 years)

The CCTE Daycare Parent Handbook provides information on contacts at each school, rates and fees, hours of operation and more!